Twitter Tests Improvements to Tweets With Photos & Video


Twitter confirms it’s testing long requested updates to publishing tweets with photos, and working on YouTube integration for a better video experience.

With these tests Twitter is working on ways to address several of the most widespread complaints from users.

When it comes to posting photos on Twitter, users express dissatisfaction with how images are cropped in the timeline, and the extent to which photos are compressed when uploaded.

To address those issues Twitter is testing changes to the photo publishing process which includes the option for 4K image uploads.


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Twitter’s file compression is a subject of complaint against video uploads as well. To address that, Twitter is working on ways for users to view higher quality video through YouTube integration.

Here’s more about the confirmed tests, which may eventually be rolled out more widely.

Larger Images in Twitter Timeline

Twitter is testing a change to tweets with photos that displays full size images in users’ timelines.

With this update, what users see in the tweet composer is how the tweet will look when it’s published. No more cropped images that have to be clicked on to see in full.

This is currently being tested in the Twitter app for iOS and Android. If you’re part of the test group you’ll begin seeing full size images in your timeline.


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Until this change is fully rolled out, photos tweeted by people in the test group may continue to appear cropped to other users who are not part of the test.

Higher Resolution Photo Uploads

Twitter is testing an update that will allow users to tweet images in 4K resolution.

This change makes it possible for users to tweet high resolution photos that retain their original quality.

Currently, the maximum file size for image uploads on Twitter is 5MB. A photo in 4K resolution  can be many times that size.

Twitter doesn’t specify what the new file size limit will be, other than saying “up to 4K.”

Users who are part of this test will find the new setting for high quality images in the “Data usage” section.

YouTube Videos in Twitter Timeline

Compared to other sites, Twitter offers a substandard experience when it comes to tweets containing videos, and tweets with YouTube links.

The maximum resolution for videos on Twitter is 720p. If users upload a video in 1080p or 4K it will get compressed, resulting in a significant loss of detail.

Twitter isn’t increasing the resolution for videos as it’s doing with photos, but is working on offering a better experience for YouTube videos.


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With this test, when users tweet a link to a YouTube video it will become playable in the timeline.

Users who are dissatisfied with Twitter’s compression of native video uploads can publish their full resolution video to YouTube and tweet a link to it.

This will, hopefully, allow users to view it in a higher resolution than what Twitter would normally allow.

Twitter is testing embedded YouTube videos on iOS only at this time.

