Speaking, Mentorship, and Professional Growth with Ashley Berman Hale [Podcast]


Ashley Berman Hale will be joining Loren Baker today to discuss the opportunities to grow your personal brand, your career and “giving back” in today’s episode of the Search Engine Journal show.

The launch of United Search (https://www.unitedsearch.org/)

– What is an SEO Speaker Accelerator?
– How is United Search helping people in the SEO industry?

Mentorship in Search
– The importance of mentorship for both the mentor and mentee Personal Branding
– How important is it for ones’ SEO career?

Speaking and Coaching
– How to get started speaking at SEO events
– How to boost the resume when speaking at events

What Events are Looking for in an SEO Speaker
– A little behind the scenes at SEJ on what we look for
– Coaching speakers
– the importance of doing so and horror stories when you don’t

Diversity in the SEO Speaking & Working Space Action Items & Take Aways
– How can a beginner or someone who’s really good at what they do but may not be “putting themselves out there”
– 3 to 5 things they can do right now

