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Kimmel Trolls Entire State Of New Jersey With A Loving Tribute To Legal Weed



New Jersey is about to get legal marijuana, including recreational pot, and late-night host Jimmy Kimmel is here to help them through the process.

Kimmel said Tuesday that critics have warned legal weed would lead to rising crime, but he pointed out that didn’t happen in California. 

“Really all it did was double the number of naps we take,” he said. “And our favorite gummies are no longer bear.”

Kimmel congratulated the Garden State, then pointed out that it’s only fitting, given the state’s flag: 

New Jersey state flag

New Jersey state flag

“There’s no way that whoever designed their state flag wasn’t high when they did it,” he cracked. “You got two women, one’s got a hat on a stick. You’ve got a shield, a horse’s head, a knight’s helmet or something like that, and a backdrop the color of my mom’s kitchen in 1981.” 

Then, Kimmel, a longtime fan of legal weed, suggested some Jersey exclusives: 



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