Larry David has a dining quirk that’s pretty pretty good. (Watch the video below.)
The “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star won’t eat dinner at other people’s homes and won’t invite them to his house, either, Conan O’Brien and Ted Danson said on “Conan” Wednesday. David will only meet friends at a restaurant.
The two analyzed David’s idiosyncrasy in a revealing exchange.
“He doesn’t want to be hemmed in by societal norms,” Danson said, adding that David wants the freedom to leave the meal “if he gets any kind of agita.”
“He knows that in a restaurant he can say ‘I’m done, I’m out, I’m gone’ and he can do it 10 minutes in, throw in his share, and be gone,” the “Conan” host said. “But you can’t do that at somebody’s house. So he’s got the whole thing rigged.”
Danson, an “Enthusiasm” regular who now stars on “Mr. Mayor,” offered the perfect example: He, former “Cheers” co-star Woody Harrelson and director Pete Farrelly were meeting David for dinner at a restaurant.
Danson said they arrived “even a little early.”
“And we show up and he is literally halfway through his entree. He’s already ordered because on a whim he’s decided, ‘I think I’ll have more fun if I go call this lady friend I know’ or something. … No qualms about totally blowing off any kind of” engagement.
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