Jason Alexander Pays Tribute To His ‘Seinfeld’ Mom Estelle Harris



Actor Jason Alexander penned a poignant farewell Sunday to the late Estelle Harris, who played his pushy, always nosy mom on the hit TV sitcom “Seinfeld.”

Harris’ character, Estelle Costanza, was mother to Alexander’s George Costanza and wife to Frank, who was played by Jerry Stiller, from 1992 to 1998. Stiller died in 2020 and Harris died Saturday at the age of 93.

While George was a cranky son, Alexander adored his TV mom:

Harris once admitted that her often whiny, over-the-top character was a “pain in the neck.” Still, she told the Pittsburg Post-Gazette in 1998 that “she’s the mother that everybody loves.”

“Black people, Asians, WASPs, Italians, Jews — they all say, ‘Oh, you’re just like my mom,’” she once told The Chicago Tribune.

