University Of California, Berkeley Prepares To Offer Nicki Minaj Course In 2023



The institution will offer an African American studies course about the rapper during the spring 2023 semester, professor Peace And Love El Henson confirmed Thursday on Twitter.

Minaj responded to a tweet about the course earlier Thursday and expressed interest in attending a lecture.

“I’d love to stop by,” she wrote.

She also retweeted a user who joked that a concert clip was actually Minaj explaining “the class rules” at the start of the semester.

El Henson, a postdoctoral fellow in Black studies, thanked Minaj for her response to the news, adding that “this class is interested in thinking critically about u and ur productions w/in the context of broader historical-social structures & hip hop feminisms.”

The professor also thanked Minaj’s fans, sometimes known as the “Barbz,” for their interest in the course.

