Stephen Colbert Offers Crude ‘Single Digit’ To GOP After Trump Midterm Letdown



Republicans were hoping to flip dozens of House seats as part of an expected “red wave” in this week’s midterm elections. Instead, the GOP suffered a disappointing night and the House gain could be as low as the single digits, with many blaming the candidates selected by former President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, Stephen Colbert presented one very specific “single digit” as an example:

The “Late Show” host also called the results “a crisp nut punch” to the GOP and the Trump family and pointed to a news report that said the red wave had turned out to be “a pink splash.”

Colbert put it in more colorful terms.

“It’s like what happens when you accidentally wash your klan robes with your MAGA hat,” he said. “Just a little pink wash.”

See more in his Wednesday night monologue:

