Woof — it’s been a loooooong year.
The year 2020 left many of us feeling like indoor cats, gazing out our windows at the outside world. And when we did go outside, it was hard not to feel like our dogs, overjoyed with happiness to go on a simple walk.
But for many of us, our furry, four-legged friends helped us get through this cat-astrophic, mother pupper of a year. They purred, they nuzzled and they muzzled our existential dread by making us roll over in laughter.
So in honor of these unsung heroes of 2020 — who are blissfully unaware that 2020 left many of us humans feeling like chew toys with the squeaker pulled out — here are 60 of the funniest tweets about cats and dogs this year.
And enjoy. It’s truly what we all knead right meow.
me: gender is a social construct
me to my cat: Mr. Sir! You are just a little boy who is a man. Mr. Sir Boy!
— permanent secretary for paul mccartney (@GraceSpelman) December 13, 2020
Took in a parcel for my neighbour across the road earlier. I just went to his house to tell him, he opened the door and there was one of my cats, sitting on his chair all comfy.
— Dr Kelly ? ? (@KellyQuilt) December 4, 2020
quarantine day 15 is having a conversation with your cat about how lucky she is that she doesn’t get her period
— erin gilfoy (@eringilfoy) March 29, 2020
During teaching today I was petting my cat and my co-teacher announced it and asked to see the cat. Then no fewer than 60% of the students reached down and pulled THEIR cats up into view of the cameras and suddenly my Zoom squares were all cats and everything was perfect.
— Sarah Williams (@misanthropologa) September 23, 2020
What I love about cats is how they, collectively, as a species, have never been fed, ever
— phenomenell (@theneliad) February 22, 2020
2020 was a kinda bad year for me but a really good year for my dog who did not have to be alone for a single second
— Dana Donnelly (@danadonly) December 14, 2020
Took my dogs to take their yearly christmas photos. It’s really hard when you have one super photogenic dog and one dog having an existential crisis. pic.twitter.com/4gUyIsB5OJ
— Laurenn (@laurenncarterr) December 7, 2019
Sorry, I wasn’t ignoring your text, my dog was barking in her sleep so I had to drop everything to gently wake her up & keep whispering, “it’s okay, it was just a dream” until she fell back asleep
— Hillary (Not Sara) (@smithsara79) October 13, 2020
I disgustedly told my dog ‘all you care about is food and attention’ and my raw hypocrisy just sort of hung there in the air
— Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) September 15, 2020
quarantine day 14: me cats jus asked me if i wanted the radio left on while he went out
— P (@pw_1995) March 31, 2020
“I’ve been watching you sleep for the last hour trying to organize my thoughts. I’m not sure how to say this so I’m just gonna come right out with it. Why the f*ck do we never go to the dog park anymore??? Also wake the hell up, I’m starving” pic.twitter.com/Ix8Yw61Vit
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) April 12, 2020
Friend: Your house smells like wet dog.
Me: Thanks. It’s because I hug him when I cry.
— Cam (@GinAndJif) October 7, 2020
This morning I saw my neighbour talking to her dog. You could see that she thought the dog understood her. I went back inside and told my cat what I’d seen. We laughed and laughed.
— Andy Lea ?? (@AndyL1964) October 15, 2020
Found out last night our cat goes to the kebab shop down the road every day and they give him lamb mince. There’s a picture of him on the wall
— The Pie & Nonce Pub (@pieandnoncepub) December 2, 2020
During teaching today I was petting my cat and my co-teacher announced it and asked to see the cat. Then no fewer than 60% of the students reached down and pulled THEIR cats up into view of the cameras and suddenly my Zoom squares were all cats and everything was perfect.
— Sarah Williams (@misanthropologa) September 23, 2020
*orders expensive cat bed*
*waits 5 weeks for overseas shipping*
*watches the cat ignore it for 6 months*
*finally throws it, defeated, on top of the wardrobe* pic.twitter.com/JR6h6EI8Mk
— Strangerbauble (@strangerbabble) March 28, 2020
Okay, I’m getting REALLY sick of people accusing me of being crazy for talking to my dogs…
I mean, what else am I supposed to do when they ask me a question..?— Amber (@AmberD1116) October 15, 2020
Sometimes when my cats sit right next to me, I’ll get up and go hide under the bed just so they know how it feels.
— Brent Terhune (@BrentTerhune) September 23, 2020
My neighbor’s dog scratched at my front door until I opened it… then ran in and stole one of my dog’s toys and ran out! I got played. And I respect it.
— Ashley Nicole Black (@ashleyn1cole) December 21, 2020
just took a bath with my dog and we both had a good time please someone find a vaccine and end the quarantine I don’t want to become this type of white person
— addie weyrich (@addieyomind) March 31, 2020