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Man Learns The Folly Of Going Maskless Around Judge Judy




When Judge Judy Sheindlin saw a man not wearing a mask at a New York hair salon, she couldn’t cover up her displeasure.

The popular TV judge told the New York Post that she recently took an unnamed man to task for not following proper pandemic procedures at the salon.

“I walked up to him and he looked at me and smiled,” Sheindlin said. “I was wearing my mask with my smock on and my hair was dripping wet. I said to him, ‘Do you like ‘Judge Judy’? He said, ‘Oh yes,’ and I said, ‘Not after today.’”

Judge Judy says she then chided the maskless man for his selfishness.

“I said to him, ‘You must be some kind of narcissist or there’s something that I don’t see that makes you unique and special,’ Sheindlin said.

Although she was harsh, it seemed to have the proper effect.

“He came back to where I was putting my hat on, with his mask on, and apologized,” Sheindlin said.

Sheindlin will be ending her long-running courtroom show next year, but she isn’t retiring.

In a couple of years, the 78-year-old Sheindlin will begin an as-yet-untitled series on IMDb TV, according to

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